I wasn't there, but for what I've seen it was... Spectacularly awesomeness - Richie Chewie Davies
This band is a gift that just keeps giving and giving. Another unforgettable weekend - Gary Kirrage
The production was simply incredible. 3 nights of wonderful surprises. Martin Jakubski was incendiary - Graeme Smith
Moving and utterly glorious - Martin Gorman
For once I am almost lost for words. Wonderful friends from around the world enjoying three nights of incredible power, emotion, and spectacle - James Greenwood
Incredible from start to finish. Where else in the world could you make so many new friendships and experience so much emotion. This band are truly amazing in the way they unite people - Nigel Moscardini
Out of this world - Beverly Baker
Wow... just wow! - Grace Bark
Our first PZ...No words...just love - Beccy Helmore
I need my bed... also, more seriously, it's inspirational, when, as H put it, "the world is on fire"; people of so many nationalities, so happy together. Who'd have thought? - Rob Day
I have seen the lights - Mark Paling
Our first PZ and pray it’s not our only. If only the world had this much love - Anna Bachman
Epic epic epic… - Terry Baynham
Every night I fell in love them again! Just can't describe the feeling of belonging to this community of souls in music - Julian Bayley
Impossible to sum up effectively to be honest! So much of everything that is good about this world all crammed into 4 wonderful days - Steven Banks
There ARE No words! - Cheryl Collins
Just unbelievable - Heather Chapman
As a first timer yet long time fan who has see them live many times, it surpassed my already high expectations y ten times! See you in 2021 - Steve Evans
Sunday night was like being inside a magical music box of colours and sound, for a while there, I felt like a child again, full of wonder and dreams - Stinne Brøchner-Nielsen
Brexit was cancelled for the weekend. 52 countries coming together to party. It was epic - Graeme Smith
An extended family that comes together every 2 years to enjoy amazing music - Sharon Hughes
What a delicious and totally satisfying weekend that was. I feel like I’ve been somehow cuddled and cosseted by music. Thank you Marillion. The perfect weekend! - Sue Beasey
Trying to trap the spark, but you can't - Lilian Bakelaar
Absolutleybloomingmarvellous - Alison Toon
Thank you, whoever you are... to everyone who contributed to making this yet another wonderful, joyful and hopeful weekend - Alan David Duncan
PZ Virgin no more. Each day and night got better. So many lovely souls all enjoying the most amazing music. Nothing but positive vibes. The spirit is unequaled since ' we are all one together '. I didn't want it to end. Ever. The world could take a lesson from this - Cheryl Watson Wurtz
Bonding, heart warming multi nationional collection of Marillionares loving stunning music xx - Jude Gorczyca
Definitely out of this world for us. Thank you Marillion, Lucy, Stephanie, Mark, and the rest of your amazing staff - Chuck Bachman
Happiness WAS at the end of the road! - Andy Cook
A feast for the eyes and ears. The weekend really does hit you in your heart and soul - Sharon Davies
It took me 30 hours and 9000 km to meet my family, totally worth it! Happiness is the road! - Milton Delgado Fernández
In my view it is wholly impossible to summarise just how utterly brilliant the vibe and good will of this amazing event is.
There is not one single part of the whole event, that I don’t truly love, (with the possible exception of the post weekend comedown from the euphoria and feeling groggy for a few days). 11/10 - Andrew Barnsley Wood
I’m no longer a PZ newbie. What a weekend of incredible highs - the music and the sheer atmosphere made it totally awesome - Kevin Wilkins
The friends, the family, the LOVE, the gathering, the pictures, the fun, the dancing, the singing, the sillines, the drinks, the cheering, the tears the MUSIC, this can all be captured in two words: "Marillion Weekend" A big thank you to Marillion and everyone who made this weekend so FUCKING amazing, I love you all! - Marjo Klingenberg
Dreams do come true! Brilliant weekend with the best from all over the world, we come together - Lilian Boomsema
Happiness is the marillion family… inspiring, emotional, invigorating.
Its so sad that the people that run this mad world we all live in cannot see the sense of community that is created at "our event" they may just learn something that people from different nations religions faiths can co exist in perfect harmony with each and every one.
So much more binds us than divides us... much love to you all - Alison Redfern
A mass gathering of individuals from all parts of the world for a common cause... music, happiness and friendship... Marillion should be in charge of Brexit! - Mike Barton
The pure joy of beautiful, passionate music, shared with lots of like-minded people - Paul Weatherly
Wendy darling was in the kitchen with her dreams. This weekend the dream became a reality and now is a most precious memory - Wendy Williams
Living in peace for 4 whole days the outside world stays outside... no community like a marillion weekend community anywhere, so glad we came xx - Denise Sorrell
Just amazing it's keeps getting better you think they can't beat the last weekend then they raise the bar yet again… loved it - Wayne Marillion Sorrell
A line or two? You kidding? Let's go and write a book. It was fucking briliant - Stefan Waller
How do you make 3 1/2 days go in a flash? Marillion did precisely that - Jen Phillips
Out of this world - Dave Kenny
Marillion weekends, isolated pinnacles in time, over in a flash... - Simon Pillars
The entire weekend I lived in a Marillionbubble... it was great! - Pamela Mensing
I was in that FANTASTIC PLACE - Gary Rovner
The love in the tent from the crowd for the band and vice versa was palpable - David Smith
It was alright 😉 - Andy Bliss
I have just one word. Gratitude. For the music that has become the soundtrack of our lives and the laughter with and love of friends who have become family - Rita Kay Drew
For one weekend every two years Port Zelande becomes the best place on Earth - Elizabeth Ursula Hirst
Living in our own little bubble... in a fantastic place, listening to the best music ever xxx - Angie Coope
This kind of family get together is to be fully cherished, comprised as it is of astonishing music, friendships borne of memories both old and yet to be written, genuine love and global understanding - David Sampson
The Spark was well and truly captured during 3 nights of diverse Marillion music. It's now trapped and preserved on social media and the Web Mag. Trap the Spark? You can - Richard Neal
How about this quote? "I didn't go" - Tony Furminger
Brilliant weekend in a superb location with fabulous people from all over the globe and fantastic performances by my favourite band. I’m glad I came on this trip! We’re all one tonight - Andy Reusser
I’m going for a lie down - Mark Kennedy
Suffering from Post-Marillion Blues again after this wonderful weekend. Now we all have to get back to our daily routines but the spirit will hopefully hold on for quite a while. I thoroughly enjoyed it! - Susanne Korei
A wonderful weekend. Gone in a flash. How can I cope with real life after this? Take me back to the fantastic place - John Merrick
It isn't every day that you get to wrestle a goat - Pamie Bliss
Happiness that won't fade away - Mario Saţţa
Wonderful - Don Rustina Roeber
Here's the email i just sent to the band (OK, it's more then a line or two, but you know how Marillion fans are, we allways cheat): Am I the happiest person on the world after that weekend? No, probably not, as there's been 3000 other people receiving the incredible gift you gave to us this weekend. So i guess they're equally as happy as i am. But the rest of the world really doesn't know what happiness means untill they've been to one of your conventions. Honestly. Thank you once again for everything you do. You've written the soundtrack of my live and played most of that over the past three nights. Incredible.
Happiness ain't at the end of the road, happiness is the road! The rest of the world will have to take our word on that - Hylke ter Balls
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious - Alesandro Carmassi
I’ve been to every Marillion Weekend since 2003. 2019 topped the lot. Simple as that - Brian Simms
A comment or two... or more. My overwhelming feeling, without a shadow of doubt, is that there is a lot of love out there. Love, kindness and an overwhelming generosity of spirit. Everywhere I went, people were smiling, sharing jokes, sharing memories of other conventions, other gigs. Old friendships were being renewed, new friendships being made. I had the enviable task of setting up the charity raffle… what a joyous 'job' that was, people queuing up to hand over money, but many of them not at all interested in winning any of the prizes, simply a wish to support PACE. What an easy job!
Then I can't count the number of times a smiling face would appear and someone would say 'I have a little something for you' and a gift would be pressed into my hand. On Saturday afternoon, I sat back from the raffle and just watched... people buying hearts, raffle tickets, or simply 'chewing the fat' with each other... people from all over the world, all ages, men, women... smiles, laughs and sometimes outrageous guffaws over a shared joke. Staff from PZ joining in, lending a helping hand. To be honest, I shed a few tears of happiness. If only life could always be like that.
On Sunday, I joined the queue for the evening show,I was there for 8.30 (I know all the arguments, don't go there!) again, what fun, sharing our news, catching up with each other, and laughter... there is ALWAYS laughter. And again, that generosity of spirit. As an old dear with crocked knees, it's not easy to get to the front and Sunday was one of the occasions that knees wobbled as I dashed across the room. Not to worry, no less than FIVE people shouted at me to say there was a space for me with them. The shows were fabulous, the music, the lights, the people, the singing. I WISH we could bottle what went on over the weekend at PZ. I'd call it 'Love for the world'. Thank you again PZ and everyone there. I can't wait to do it again - Sheelagh Jones
To sum up... As a PZ virgin, I had an idea of what to expect, having done Montreal and Poland before. But the warmth of community, the laughter with friends, the putting of live faces and real in-person hugs to the names I’ve chatted with online, getting to finally see the Quiz live, and yes, THE MUSIC... a little overwhelming, a lot exhausting but absolutely worth every moment and penny! I am so very full of metta and love for this community of freaks who become family for this beautiful weekend! - Nicole Arel
Spending time with the family and the best band in the world in such a place is irreplaceable. A perfect organisation, the band members on top of their form, many hugs and smiles, little sleep, all that makes a perfect weekend with nothing to add. Or maybe ... more cowbell! PS: only people who were present at the fancy dress party might get my last sentence - Pascal Gross
A taste of how the world should be, in addition to the beyond wonderful music of my favorite band! - Veronika Hørven Jensen
Music, Friends, Lights, Madness & peace... How wonderful - Mark Donald
I'll comment when I wake up - Terry Baynham
I had: Tears of joy. Pain in the stomach from laughter. Goosebumps from Rothers guitar and Martin singing the last straw. Hugs from people all over the planet. Just a better world - Norbert Middelmann
Anticipation, Excitement, Reunions, Friends, Love, Chalets, Costumes, Booze, Parties, Fun, Music, Visuals, Tears, Laughter, Goodbyes, Memories - Fiona Boubert

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