It was freaking awesome! That's as verbose as i get on a hangover Monday - Jon Rosenberg
I wouldn’t know where to begin… how about wow, stunning, spectacular, out of this world… shall I continue? - Annick Gauthier
Adam Burton has a magical way with words. I’m a little biased as he’s my husband, but I have a feeling he’d like to contribute something. So, calling Adam Burton - Renee Burton
Truly healed my broken heart. I feel free again! - Susan Stanclift
Amazing weekend. Atmosphere was fantastic. Happy happy - Nikki Davey
It was a communion of souls; a mad carnival and a sacrosanct rite. Hearts were aroused, lifted, broken, made whole again and swelled double - Adam Burton
Montreal was hit tonight by a 8.2 on the Richter scale.. the epicenter was L’Olympia!
I have never experienced a Marillion Weekend like this one in Montreal, spending the evening surrounded by friends, just occasionally taking a photo. I found myself with goosebumps several times tonight (never happened before).
I don't know what it is with this venue but the vibe, the music, emotion, love and appreciation kept on reverberating through the room, Montreal for sure is happy to have Marillion back!
It was amazing to see so many friends, catch up, have a drink, breakfast/lunch.. and making new friends. Makes saying goodbye even harder.
I laughed, giggled, cried.. as most of you know when we arrived I felt slightly broken (not there by a long shot, realised that tonight, still fragile). But I feel mended by all you lovely people I reconnected with, met/chatted and sang with, the countless hugs and kisses I received and all the love I felt over this weekend!
To my husband: I love you! The last couple of months have been really difficult for both of us, but I promise i’m going to dig deep to find the girl you married! I love sharing this with you.
To Marillion, those 5 amazing guys, Lucy, Stephanie and crew! That was great - can we try one more time please, in about 10 days? - Vanessa Kennedy
The emotion shredding, tear inducing joy of total happiness, being with like minded friends, new and old alike - David Smith
There are moments in each of our lives that will be forever etched in our hearts and our minds. The 2019 Montreal Marillion Weekend will certainly be one of those times for me.
My first Weekend experience, and just the third time I have seen the band live since discovering them in 1983, consisted of three magical nights of musical magnificence, the forging of lifelong friendships, the sharing of stories, feelings and laughter and a sense of community I have never encountered with any other band. Without a religious bone in my body, I can honestly say the band and their support team accomplished miracles and far exceeded my already astronomical expectations.
A sincere and deeply heartfelt thank you to Ian, Pete, Steve, Mark and h. You took nearly 2,000 people to a fantastic place that few of us will ever leave - Sean Moon
It was my fifth Montreal weekend. Our first in 2009 was supposed to be a one off for my birthday. It obviously didn't quite work out that way. The love and friendships shared by all can't be compared to anything else! These weekends are beyond words. The best 3 days of my life at every Marillion weekend! - Bruce Harmon
It was our first weekend and all I can say is that it was Amazing. Exceeded all expectations on every level. The city was awesome. The weather was really nice ( except for just before the doors opened last night when it rained on us a bit ) the Marillion family were all friendly and passionate as you would expect. And the shows were unforgettable. I've never seen or heard the band play better. An experience that will stay with me always - Steve Rowdy
Other weekends: Can you do better? Montreal: Hold my beer! - Petek Hanna
How is it possible that an epic like Ocean Cloud was even more epic live in Montreal. There aren’t enough words - Gus Fleischmann
An extremely forgiving crowd for the mistakes and goblins (which were unusually high this time around), and that's the way it should be. Energy makes energy anyhow! Typical Montreal atmosphere with loud and long cheers throughout the weekend, some pretty awesome setlists and only smiles from those facing the stage and those on it. As h as put it so many times himself, "something ALWAYS happens in Montreal!" - Marc Roy
Amazing crowd - applause and ovations that never seemed to end. Incredibly generous fans - donating more than $3,500 to Hope Flowers with most not even caring what the raffle prizes were - Rita Kay Drew
What sticks with me even more than the mind-blowingly incredible performances (especially Saturday night!) is the tremendous hospitality shown to both my daughter Chloe and me, as first-time weekend attendees, and in Chloe’s case, as a person much younger than the vast majority of others attending. I worried that we’d be on the outside of existing groups, and that Chloe would not find a place to fit. Nothing could be further from the truth! We were taken in immediately, found our places in a loving community, and will definitely be back in 2021! - Patrick Thaddeus Jackson
I thoroughly enjoyed Friday Night's set list. Plenty of songs to get us dancing with a few slower ones to allow us to catch our breath. The band was on fire and the crowd was responsive. Hopefully, we were able to give enough energy back to them. It would be difficult to find fault with a single song they played.
On Saturday, IMO, the set got off to a slow start for me. The first four songs are songs I have a tendency to skip when they pop up. Then came Ocean Cloud which was wonderfully lit by Yenz. Please remember, Yenz did not have lasers for the Montreal Weekend. He still did not disappoint. Fantastic Place (fave of mine) got it going once again and the rest of the set was spot on. If I am being honest, at first I was disappointed with the set list. But upon reflection, I heard songs live that I had never heard live before. Although they were not my favorite songs, for others they were and Marillion does not play concerts just for me. LOL Anytime they want to ask for my set list, let me know.
For Sunday, we knew what was coming. Happiness has some gems on it and Marillion nailed them. Essence is beautiful and is difficult to do live. State of Mind, Real Tears, Train, Woke Up had fantastic versions. Happiness was dominated by the crowd. A shout out to Mark Mark Marillion Kennedy and his visuals which were fantastic all weekend. I found myself watching the alien in Marzipan more than h. The alien was actually singing. Throwing Sky Above the Rain in there was a great way to make me cry to close the show. Then they came back and rocked us with Toxic, Hooks and Slainte. Finishing with the Leavers was the cherry on top.
As always, the band is the highlight followed closely by the family reunion. See old friends again (hung out in the queue with the same gents since 2011) and meeting so many more new ones made my heart lighter. Celebrating my birthday with the party at Bruotpia will be tough to top. Sitting on a deck at a bar and watch the group grow with every fan that walked by and decided to join us shows what this band does to people. MW Montreal 2019 will be tough to top. I look forward to the challenge - Kirt VanOveren
Moved to tears by Estonia, Wrapped Up in Time, and Ocean Cloud. Saturday was my birthday and it was the absolute best show I've ever seen, quite a gift! Not only Marillion but Jennifer Rothery and Riccardo Romano as well for the opener. I enjoyed equally reconnecting with old friends and making new ones, plus meeting Lucy and Ian was a highlight for me! - Jen Victoria Vollink

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