Without doubt the most exceptional band on the planet... The best kept secret of all... To be putting in performances as strong as they do puts younger bands to shame. Roll on many more years... - Russell Parker
It may not have the same party atmosphere as PZ but when you get into the venue and see everyone, you know you are about to start a wonderful weekend with lovely people and a brilliant band - Aidan Campbell
I met Gandalf! - Tony Furminger
My comment is: wish I had been there! (But I did have a great time at PZ so not complaining, really) - Damian Boys
A truly remarkable, weekend, adding wonderful memories to our lives... being surrounded by amazing music and friends. The aches and pains we have are completely worth it! Marillion seem to make me cry more and more every time i see them... thats not a bad thing - Adelle Amy
My first weekender and it was amazing, emotional and the best, I have met some wonderful and lovely people. The band was brilliant and so warm towards the crowd and the people from De montfort were brilliant. Absolutely mind blowing. xx - Tracey Carter
Wow blown away by everything went on my own was an hour in Leicester never on my own again best band best fans I won the raffle ant got to go on stage and meet the band my heroes - David Green
A rollercoaster of emotions with the best band and the best fans in the world. So much laughter, love, hugs, goosebumps and tears. A story to tell, a story to save - Marjo Klingenberg
To sum things up for me it's a magical gathering of the best band & fandom in the world!! I was a little worried PZ Holland being my first ever convention might spoil me for my first UK weekender as I didn't think anything else could top it!
I've followed Marillion for the last 30 years or so & for whatever reason life always seemed to get in the way of me attending them but Omg!! How wrong could I be! It turned out to be just as memorable! The surprise the band with the finger lights was incredible! It highlighted for me the exceptional level of admiration, respect & appreciation between both the fans & the band. I only hope there will be many more UK weekends to follow; as I have some catching up to do! - Helen Lane
Another absolutely amazing weekend. By rights they should have run out of ideas a long time ago but they just keep finding new ways of presenting the music. The screen is now a huge integral part of the show and was so impressive with some brilliant new films. H was on top form with his humour too! I hadn't listened to them that much for a few months before and after Friday night I was really tired and wasn't sure if I was really into it but Saturday night blew me away and every song reminded me why I loved them in the first place. Add to that all the friendships both old and new and it adds up to an unforgettable weekend, certainly missing everyone now and wishing it was longer - Anthony Craig
Another terrific weekend! With the best visuals ever. 'The audience with Marillion' was so funny just like 5 naughty school kids. I could go on but we all know that weekend feeling don't we - Roger Harvey
Marillion, Marillion fans,Stillmarillion hors d'oeuvres and a few social drinks = a perfect lost weekend. Sigh - Chris Shirt
I cant put it into words... as there are no words... - Heather Chapman
I had to commute from North London due to commitments at home. So over the weekend I managed 600+ miles and less sleep than time watching the band. Missed out on the events in and around the town and venue. But it was all worth it, saw so many friends old and new. The band had stepped up another level with the graphics, staging, lighting and performance. Yes there were mistakes but they made it more special and showed the amazing level of the show and humour of the band. The best way to live your weekend - David Cook
What a stunning weekend. PZ was amazing but the band pulled out all the stops on their home turf. The sound and lighting/projections were incredible, while the fans again lifted the experience to a whole new level - Kevin Wilkins
Superb weekend - very full on. The De Montfort Staff were amazing, especially looking after Denise's Hearing Dog Orin backstage during the shows (and we were told he even got to meet the band!). Thanks to everyone who came up to us and spoke with Denise and Orin - it was Denise's first Marillion weekend so she wasn't sure what to expect before coming. This won't be her last one either - she loved it. That makes me happy. We both absolutely loved the shows and meeting up with friends old and new. Thanks especially to the band and Lucy and all the background staff involved in putting such a weekend on - you lot are amazing - Paul C. Moore
I just wish that my non Marillion friends understood what these conventions mean to us. If I'm not being too presumptuous, it's more than just the music, it's the people, the anticipation of seeing friends old and new, the generosity of strangers, members of the band wandering into the bar to join us after an emotional rollercoaster of a set list and ooohh.... that bloody fantastic music. Love you all, you freaks - Terry Baynham
The whole band were awesome from start to finish but for me as someone who has tried to play guitar for over 30 years, Steve Rothery is a legend the emotion he can put into one note makes me never want to put down a guitar as I stood there at the front on Sunday I had to keep wiping the tears away. Thank you Steve, thanks everyone I'll see you in November - Dave Riley
Another incredible weekend all round. Superb (almost faultless) performances from a band at the top of its game. Saturday night for me was out of this world. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, Ocean Cloud took it to another level altogether. I don’t know how they do it year after year. Amazing! - Mark Pearson
What an induction - I am an emotional wreck. The music the band produced, the extraordinary heights of H's incredible voice, the lighting and sound, the organisation, the fans/family. It's no given wonder I was reduced to tears on numerous occasions each night. I have never experienced anything like this - there's not a band on the planet that could even come close to what we have all witnessed over the last 3 days. Marillion, thank you so much for taking me to the most fantastic place. Amazing memories, lovely people, new friends - it will remain with me always. I've found a better way of life. Enough said, lol - Zoë Mcilfatrick
The best kept secret in music seems to get better and better with every passing year. Another convention gone, but the memories will last a lifetime. A heartfelt‚ thank you to the band, the crew, and especially‚ the family. Take a bow everyone, we really were all one tonight - James Greenwood
Myself and Jennifer Ratcliffe had a weekend full of love, laughs, tears, and joy at Les-tah with our family. Oh, yes, we had got married a couple of days earlier too!!! - Mark Ratcliffe
When you think Marillion can't get any better, because they are already at the top of their game... they push it another notch. I shed many tears (joyfully sad and happy in equal measure) in Leicester and more yesterday when I arrived home. I know we should be happy that we were there, rather than sad that it is over... but this love affair just grows and grows... makes my heart want to burst. How lucky we are to share this secret... and very greedily, I want more. As an extra point, we have some of the kindest, most generous, lovely, loving, smiley, funny and just plain decent folk on the planet amongst our number - Sheelagh Jones
I have followed the band since 1984. To have such a bond with their auduence is beyond anything I could have imagined back then. The shows get better and better. Great choice of songs, a real treat to hear 'suprise additions' to quote H. Superb backdrop footage and lighting. Absolutely fantastic, magical even - Paul Matts
Magical... it is amazing to see so many people in one venue starting the weekend as strangers/fellow fans and leaving as friends - Nicola Latimer
Unbelievable. Best one yet I think for me - Jimmy White
Perfect!! - Jennifer Welling
Ok, let's see if I can come up with something... So this weekend just gone, one that I really thought that I may have to drop out of. My confidence was at a real low level, I was was truly worried about certain things and plus I had been really let down. Again sorry, but I won't tag anyone, as I always forget someone.
There were many that were not there and they were missed. The second that I got there, I was fine, ready to see everyone and enjoy 5 plus concerts at 2 plus hours each and a wedding. It was awesome to see everyone and have many hugs, chats, gifts, drinks and pictures. I'm sure I didn't see everyone, but those I did see were lovely as they always are.
Friday night setlist was not a favourite, but it was still awesome. The band were excellent and on top form, as they would be throughout the weekend. Even if the odd mistake was made, but that's what makes this band who they are, funniest being when H went to the wrong keyboard on Friday Support acts were great, different but great, but Sunday, An Audience With Marillion. Absolutely fantastic, what a great laugh that was, poor Lucy... Lol.
Seeing StillMarillion on both days was tremendous, the band just get better and better. Fantastic setlists and an excellent crowd.
Marillion throughout the weekend just proved why they are at the top for me. An emotional setlist on Saturday, but stunning. I only have one regret for the weekend and that's the fact that I wish I had gone up on the balcony, from where I was for the 3 nights, I think I kinda missed a stunning light show, plus having a few back problems, I really should have sat. But still, it was brilliant.
Sunday night again an emotional setlist, but different. Highlight would have to be the finger lights, um, wow, what a moment to be involved in. Everyone reacted perfectly and it looked amazing. I still have loads here with me as I was given a load to hand out. Think the band were really taken by that, an emotional H definitely showed during that bit
There was a little bit of a let down for me on Sunday as there was a little pushing in from people wanting to be closer at the front. I started out at 3 rows back but ended up about 6 rows back, I understand that its exciting and everyone wants to be involved, but just ask, I would have probably moved a little bit to let a couple in. And through that and something else my poor old back started hurting so went and stood at the side for a bit. Came back in ready for the confetti cannons… Wow, a awesome moment again. Think I brought half of it home with me!
All in all, this weekend was stunning, awesome, emotional, powerful throughout. I loved every moment of it. But I've come to the decision that in future, I'm going to have to sit... I'm old!
It was lovely to see the band wondering around after the gigs, met Ian, Pete and Steven. Briefly saw H on Saturday, but he was dragged away before I had a chance to speak to him. But on Sunday, he was there again and I got to speak and at long last I managed a decent picture with him... Woohoo.
I cannot thank all those involved in putting on these weekends, the band, the management, the lights, the sound, the backdrops and the way everything is put together. It truly is stunning. The atmosphere is built within it all. Thank you to everyone for the time.
For anyone outside, who just don't get what we get, I can't explain it to you, it's something you have to feel for yourself, maybe you'll get it, maybe you won't. But for those that do get it, its unbelievable what this band can do and continue to do. Think that's enough waffling from me, I hope it makes sense, sorry if it doesn't. Much love to you all - Richie Chewie Davies
Best one I've attended - Andrew Williams
A gathering of one soul one heart one mind of Marillion fans.
Although feeling a bit apprehensive, this year turned out to be my best weekend of the 3 I've been to! I sang I danced like nobody was watching, it was a fantastic 3 gigs and I finally clicked with HITR on a level that I never had before. Meeting h an unplanned bonus - Sara Golding-Keanne
Every UK weekend just gets better and better; how is that possible? - Tim Burman
Fabulous weekend with wonderful people. So good that I even enjoyed the whole HITR set which (sorry guys) is not near the top of my fave album lists! So many highlights but second night was awesome and THAT performance (and show) of Ocean Cloud will live long in the memory of even this old git. Thank you Marillion - Stuart Wiltshire
The whole weekend was stunning.the light were fantastic,the music was amazing and my Marillion family were amazing too - Bren Mortimer Brown
Words cannot express the emotion and passion that runs through my body every time I hear this band play. NO other band gets to me like these guys. The musicianship and poetry is just stunning. Every show amazing with the excellent lighting spectical by Yens. A master piece.
Then of course you cannot leave out the fans. The Marillion family is one special family. I have made so many wonderful friends and created so many wonderful memories through this band. Words just fail me. AMAZING - Tracy Kirrage
I think I need to sleep for a week now. The relief I felt when the fingerlight surprise worked was unmeasurable. Before then, I was a nervous wreck. A grumpy, tetchy nervous wreck. Seeing people keep playing with their lights beforehand did not help lol - Tony Furminger
Wonderful weekend. If someone invented the elixir of eternal life and I had 5 portions, I'd give it to the band and not myself, as I'd rather have these shows to go to for the rest of my life, rather than living forever without these shows! - Richard Broadley
Once again an incredible experience. Hey just seem to get better and better. You have your favourite albums and probably give little time to some others, yet along comes a weekend and reminds you what you've been missing. Another point is that Leicester is such a great city to hold the event, both the venue and the local people are all very welcoming - Rob Flemming
Couldn't think of a better way of spending my wedding day than being surrounded by my Marillion family and then seeing the best band in the world on the same day. I'm truly blessed x - Grace Byers
One of the best birthday parties I ever had! Seriously, it was a blast. You could never compare one Marillion Weekend to another because they are all so different and yet so fantastic. Wonderful memories - again - Simona Kühndel
What I loved about this year's Convention (apart from the visuals which frankly could have graced any huge arena tour by any band - they were AMAZING!) was that Marillion came across as human. By that I mean that sometimes you see bands and they just look like they are going through the motions, churning out reproductions of their songs with a kind of clinical efficiency. That can't be said of Marillion and especially not this weekend. Every song was delivered with passion and feeling and had a real 'live' edge that was powerful and raw and gave songs that are sometimes dismissed by fans as 'second rate' a new sense of vitality and strength.
I've followed this band for 35 years (maybe more?) and seeing them perform like this, sounding good and looking just magnificent I felt like a proud parent seeing 'their' baby achieve their full potential. We are so lucky that this band is refusing to grow old and less but is instead growing stronger and more confident. They really are at the peak of their powers - David Brown
I feel emotionally connected to a band and its music that I didn't think was possible but comfortable in the knowledge I'm not alone. What another amazing weekend. I look forward to many more in 2021 where I hope to take my family with me too - Matthew Walne
I have been listening Marillion for last 23 years... that was my first convention ever. I thought I know their music, I have seen them live. It will be just pure fun to see them again... and it wasn't ! It was experience like never before. I never imagine that impact of their music will be that big. It was most beautiful and fulfilling live music performance I ever seen my life so far. All three of them ! Can't wait to see them in Royal Albert Hall next . Spread the love Marillion, Thank you for the music - Marcin Jach
My third convention, 2nd UK one and the first travelling alone. The whole experience was truly magical. The realisation that the band are as human as the rest of us, performing with real heart and soul. No 'going through the motions' for them. There are so many people who made my lone journey special for me...you know who you are! Much love to all of you. Hope to see you all again soon xxx
- Amanda Lindi Lou Cullum
Fantastic weekend, full of fun and memorable moments at DMH - Andrew Lacey
Awesome weekend, awesome band, awesome music, awesome marillion family, awesome venue, just brilliantly awesome x - Helen Domo
And the tears come flooding back again... with Susan Calder - Graham Calder
The Guinness at the venue was pretty good... - Mark Hildyard
Was that this weekend? Bugger - Mike Crotty
Fascinating weekend filled with special people and music... A family worthy of the kings.... Just out of this world... Everything and everyone were amazing... Lucy on top form as we're the guys on and off stage... Approachable at all times and really do feel like family... Fantastic place to be xx - Joan Avril Riches
A fantastic weekend, with my personal highlight being Saturday night. It was one of the greatest gigs I've ever experienced - Nick Lee
Absolutely brilliant weekend. The Sky Above The Rain means a lot to me for personal reasons. The lyrics are just great, and Sunday night's version absolutely soared. Spectacular - Gary Cole
Absolutely brilliant weekend with the love of our family. Awesome band, venue, and visual lighting which took my breath away especially on Ocean cloud. Words cannot express the emotion and passion that I feel everytime this brilliant band play. I feel Marillion gets me. The family are One heart and one soul. Just magical - Jackie Mangham
The music, the lighting, the films, the emotion, the laughter, the tears, the fans, the band - that's what makes these weekends so fantastic - Francis Donlevy

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